If your books and accounts are somewhat ad-hoc, you really cannot afford to be without a Chartered Accountant to prepare your financials as per the applicable laws. These annual accounts are important and valuable. You need these and we work on the latest available accounting software to help you prepare them. As they say, the quickest way to bankruptcy is to run a business without knowing how you really stand financially.

The accounts of your organization are not merely a record of its financial transactions only. They are required to be submitted to bankers for obtaining credit facilities; they have to be filed with the taxation authorities and other statutory authorities etc. Audited accounts inspire confidence in such authorities and are relied upon.

For tax purposes

The tax laws require you to furnish a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. You will stand to benefit if they are prepared with the help of a Chartered Accountant, and we will help you to ensure that you pay no more tax than the law requires, as we prepare your tax returns after thoroughly going via your financial statements and also advice on appeal matters with the help of experienced staff.

For raising money

If you wish to borrow from the bank or to obtain new capitalto raise money by selling a business, all concerned will need reliable accounts and our evaluation of the position on which to assess the risks and prospects.


To arrive at the shares in the capital of the business and at the profits for division between the partners. When you first go to a professional accountant, you may find that your records are not adequate to enable him to prepare a Balance Sheet and a Profit and Loss Account. We will do the best by piecing together what we find in your records and the additional information we will obtain from you. At the same time, we will explain to you the books and records which you ought to keep in the future and will help you to start them. Without suitable records (which do not need to be elaborated) you cannot have reliable annual accounts, and, no less important, you cannot have the invaluable aids to efficiency which accounting can provide in the day-to-day running of your business. When the time comes for you to form a company to carry on your business, you fill find that every company is obliged by law to keep proper books and accounts and to have each year a balance sheet and profit and loss account.